
You are Never a Burden.

Photo Cred: Miss Aly Marie Zollinger & depressionisreal.org

One of the most frustrating things about depression is its invisibility. 
Depression is not like cancer in that you can not just look at a cat scan and see depression in a person.
Depression is something that can not be seen by the naked eye.
Depression is something so deep within that it is easy for people to think that those affected by this disease are simply making up their illness to justify dramatics. 
Depression is a real illness. 
It's just like diabetes or cancer, if left untreated it can literally be fatal! Don't think that your emotional problem is any less important than those physical problems that are much more mainstream in our conversations.
It is rather unfortunate that emotional health seems to be so rarely emphasized in our society. This may lead you to question whether or not depression is even worth attempting to fix. I promise you that it definitely is. 
Your life is valuable. 
You are important. 
You are loved. 
Don't discount that just because you feel your problem may be too invalid to address. Your concerns are important and you are worth it. 

Seek help!! Your emotional problems are just as important as any other health condition and just like this quote alludes, depression should NEVER be something someone just has to "get over." 

On a more light-hearted note, we have some super exciting things planned for the blog! 
So keep checking back for exciting new improvements and thanks for reading!


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