
Show Me How Big Your Brave Is

I've been thinking a lot about bravery. What does it mean to be brave?

I would venture to say that most things we do in life require lots and lots of bravery.

It took bravery for me to admit that I was sick.
It took bravery for me to have my mom check me in to a mental health institute.
It took bravery for me to decide to go to college.

And every day it takes bravery for me to do things that I don't always want to do. I have learned through the whole two decades that I've been alive (such a long time, I know) that the best things in life often come from outrageous acts of bravery. It was outrageous for me to have that scary conversation with this extremely attractive boy. It was outrageous for me to write a blog that exposes all of my deepest secrets about my personal challenges. And it was super outrageous for me to decide to leave school for four months to go live in London.

But it's through these outrageous acts of courage that I have learned the most about who I am and who I want to be. By taking these leaps of faith, I have learned to thrive off of my practicing bravery.

There's a song by Sara Barailles called "Brave," I am sure you've heard it because it is probably the most over-played song on the radio as of the last four months. Anyway, the message this song contains inspires me! Sara (my home girl) says "Everybody's been there. Everybody's been stared down by the enemy... Don't run and show me, how big your brave is." I freaking love that. Everybody has been attacked by Satan at some point but everyone also has an opportunity to "show their brave" if you will.

My challenge for you this upcoming month of August (my favorite month due to my birthday obviously) is to show me your brave! Let's see it. What's something you have been just too afraid to do? Find it and go get it. Have you been afraid to ask for help? Well then ask for help! Have you been afraid to get out of a bad relationship? Then get out! It's your time to show me your brave. So let's see it!

And next time you hear that ridiculously over-played gem of a song, I hope you'll blast it and tell yourself that it's your time to be brave!!! Happy almost August, my beautiful readers.


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