I have this problem I like to call over-obsessing. When I like something I don't just like it.
I love it, can't get enough of it, want more of it.
This obsessing comes in all forms but lately piano music has been pulling extra hard on my heart strings. There is something about listening to piano music that really makes me ponder the deeper things in life. Pianos truly convey emotions to me that no other instrument or person or really anything for that matter ever could.
So as I was listening to my "New Age Solo Piano" Pandora playlist I started thinking about a book that my therapist had me read last year as I was struggling to get by. I remember I went into her office one day and I was so sick of not being perfect. I was so mad at myself for not being good at anything that I just broke down in sobs for a solid hour.
What started out that day as a simple mistake whilst driving (I'm not always the greatest driver, oops...) on my part turned into, "I'm good at nothing and I will never amount to anything."
After hearing my rant, my therapist recommended a book entitled, The Gifts of Imperfection.
This book is incredible. There is so much to be said about it that I can't even put it all in one post, so you must read it for yourself! However, there was one part in this fabulous book that I wanted to emphasize and that is the idea of
As women, I would say generally we are very good at loving others, it comes naturally! But how often do we truly love ourselves?
How often do we make mistakes and sink into the cycle of, "Ah (Insert Your Name Here)!! Why did you misspell that? You look like such an idiot now! What were you thinking?" We are so quick to love others yet so quick to judge ourselves.
Might I recommend that instead of this gross spiral what if next time we take a step back and say, "Yeah, I messed up. Crap. I'm human! Good thing nobody's perfect," give it to God and then MOVE ON. Can you imagine how much easier life would be?!
One of Satan's greatest traps is getting God's children stuck on their mistakes. If he can get us to only think about our mistakes and never forgive ourselves then we can't progress and he will have won us over. I don't know about you but I am really tired of Satan thinking he can win all the time and the last thing I want to do is give him yet another way to be able to bring me down.
My challenge for you this week is to find five things about yourself that you absolutely love THEN write a comment about them on this post! You can write them anonymously or not! Either way, we would love to hear from you.
What are your strengths and talents?
What do you love about YOU?
This is a week of "Self-Love."
As President Hinckley once said we must simply, "Try a little harder to be a little better." That's all it takes; just a little bit of harder and little bit of better will make all the difference. That doesn't mean perfection! That means trying just a little. We can all do that, no doubt.
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