Maybe this will refresh your memory:
I remember watching this movie as a kid and thinking, "Man I would never act like that! What a spoiled brat." Boy was I wrong... lately I have turned into Hannah Veruca Salt Wood. Okay so maybe I'm not AS extreme as Miss Salt; however, I have become the queen of impatience. (Well I suppose this isn't a new thing. But certainly prevalent in my life at the moment.)
When I pray I want answers... now.
When I need help from the Lord I want it... now.
When I want my mission call to come in the mail I want it... now.
When I really really struggled with depression I wanted it to be over... now.
How often do we do this? Our world is so full of instant gratification. Basically anything we need can be accessed within three clicks or less from groceries to clothing to even buying a house. With the touch of a button, our needs have been met. However, I have learned over and over again that this is not how the Lord works. Prayer is not the Internet. Sure Heavenly Father has all of the answers but I guarantee they are not nearly as accessible as Google. I often wish they were. But I've also learned that it is through these times of waiting and patience that I become the most humble. I need the Lord desperately while waiting with all the faith I can muster for my prayers to be answered.
I am pretty sure I'm going to regret saying this but here it goes: I am grateful that I have to wait. I am grateful that I don't just get everything I need or want immediately. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who sees a bigger picture. And ultimately I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who continues to see the bigger picture as I struggle with the daily challenges of life.
So as I wait for the Lord to help me find my stupid retainer I somehow misplaced in the middle of London, England (don't tell my mother) I will rely on the faith I have that Heavenly Father hears me and listens to me, no matter how small or insignificant my concerns may be. He cares because I care.
Cheers from London,
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